We specialize in interior and exterior home painting we are experts at what we do.
Interior Painting
Exterior Painting
Colour Consulting
Carpentry Repairs
High Access Work
Home Painting Solutions is a medium sized painting company, specialising in quality interior and exterior home painting.
Our company
We have combined industry experience in painting and decorating of over 20 years. Our approach is friendly and efficient.
Matt has been running Home Painting Solutions for over 11 years over this time he has painted over 600 homes. Its all about good old fashion services, attention to detail, enjoying the process and delivering a quality result for our clients.
Contact info
To request a quote and talk about the job call or send an email to Matt
Call us on 1300 88 32 44
Call Matt direct 0404 359 955
Mail: professionalised at
Houses Painted
Happy Customers
4 reasons to use Home Painting Solutions
Free no obligation and detailed written quote
Give us a call to organise a time for us to go out and quote and receive a detailed scope of work for the project
Painters license and insurance details on every quote
We only use qualified painters and have full insurance to cover any mishaps so you can have peace of mind.
5 Year Guarantee
We give a written guarantee for a specific period of time (usually 5 years)
References for you to check
A list of references of people we have worked for in your area.